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Refine technical blog - a resource for Refine, front-end ecosystem, and web development. Here, we publish insightful articles that demystify complex concepts, explore new trends, and provide helpful tips to enhance your coding journey.
refine Joins the Hacktoberfest Fun
Hactoberfest is back and we are excited to be a part of it. Join us in making open source contributions.
A Guide on TypeScript Omit Type
We'll dive into the TypeScript Omit utility type with examples
How to use React Fragments?
We'll cover what React Fragments are, differences between React Fragments and Div elements.
A Detailed Guide on TypeScript Pick Type
We'll deep dive into the TypeScript Pick utility type with examples and use cases.
Redirect in React Router V6 with Navigate Component
We'll see how to redirect using Navigate Component in React Router V6
How to use Docker Build Args and Environment Variables
A guide for using Docker Build Args to Configure Image Builds
React Hook Form Validation with Complete Examples
We'll implement React Hook Form custom validations and schema validations using yup.
When to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React?
Find out when to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React and how it can help avoid XSS attacks.
How to use the useParams hook in React Router
We'll discover how to access the parameters of the current route with the useParams hook in React Router.
A Quick Start Guide to React Suspense
We will discuss how React Suspense works and common use cases